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Healing Through Sound

Silver Flutes and Native American Flutes

Sound is life, and life is sound. God created the Universe with sound. Our bodies are humming engines of sound, from the beating of our hearts to the circulation of our blood or the breathing of air into our lungs. Our voice is our natural instrument, and singing, humming or chanting resonates within the chamber of the body and raises our vibration from that of the earth plane to that of the Divine. In the words of St. Augustine, "He who sings, prays twice."


Tania's voice is her flute. She has always played silver flutes because silver has the purest, sweetest sound and is referred to as the "mirror of the soul." She cradles the flute in her hands and can feel the resonance as she breathes her entire being into the instrument. Playing music connects her with the Creator of All. In recent years, she has been drawn to the different woods of the Native American flutes. Each wood has its own timbre or tone color, creates its own character and is a beautifully carved feast for the eyes. Music heals her body, mind and spirit.

Sound Healing: About
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